
End, Medium or Symptom of the Human Being?

edited by Sara Baranzoni, Antonio Lucci, Paolo Vignola
N. 22 – 2016 (III)

Contents of this issue

- 22-Editorial

SECTION I: First steps in the Anthropocene

- 22-01

SECTION II: Anthropocene: a Philosophical Cartography

- 22-02


Des «fins de l’homme» à l’«invention de l’homme»: de la grammatologie à la néguanthropologie. Comment s’orienter dans la pensée, face au transhumanisme et dans l’Anthropocène?

ARTICOLI / 3 / Anne Alombert  / In «Les fins de l’homme», an article published in 1968, Derrida shows that even though they are created against humanist metaphysics, Husserl’s, Hegel’s and Heidegger’s phenomenologies remain anthropocentrist, because...

SECTION III: Looking at the Anthropocene

- 22-03

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