Il ruolo della memoria nella Costruzione logica del mondo di Carnap (1928)

CONTRIBUTI / 9 / Rocco Riccio


The Role of Memory in Carnap’s Logical Structure of the World (1928)

In his Logischer Aufbau der Welt (1928), R. Carnap builds a deductive gnoseological system, by which all the scientific concepts can be reduced to the data of immediate experience (Elementarerlebnisse). Moreover, the author defines a unique relation in order to connect these data, at the bottom, called «Ähnlichkeitserinnerung», that seems to involve a reference to memory’s activity of a subject. On the other hand, Carnap says that his system has no subject, and that it can be considered as ‘intersubjective’. How is it possible, however, to combine both these aspects, apparently contrasting, present in the work at hand?


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