Adorno e un nuovo Manifesto. La rivoluzione senza proletariato e senza prassi

CONTRIBUTI / 1 / Valeria Ferraretto /


In two discussions – the first one in autumn 1939, the second one in spring 1956 – Adorno invites his friend Horkheimer to write a contemporary version of the Communist Manifesto. According to Adorno, the new Manifesto must be a «strictly Leninist manifesto», that certainly follows Marx’ and Engels’ lessons, but has to go further. Firstly, Adorno realizes that in the late capitalism there is no longer a class consciousness. The Manifesto from 1848 was written for the proletarian class, who had a revolutionary role, but now the proletariat is well integrated into the society and it has forgotten its revolutionary mission. Then, Adorno wants to underline the importance of the theory over the praxis. His new Manifesto was never written, but we can see a new reposition of Marxian questions, useful even for us, in the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.


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