El canon filosófico y la reescritura de la exclusión femenina

CONTRIBUTI / 1 / Elena Nájera


The philosophical canon and the rewriting of feminine exclusion

This paper explores the leeway that the conventional history of philosophy has given women who have chosen to devote their time to this discipline. The canon is first analysed as a normative operation of inclusion/exclusion that develops in continuity with social life and the structural prejudices shaping it. This is followed by a discussion on how women philosophers should be incorporated, insisting on the constraints that the reconstruction of an exclusively female parallel legacy may involve. This issue leads to the critique of the historiographical foundations on which the canon rests and calls for a more diversified and polyphonic rewriting of the tradition. In sum, the intention here is to situate the philosophical discourse, underscoring its commitment to certain interests that should be currently aligned with the affirmation of pluralism.


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