Il sacro secondo Georges Bataille. La ricerca di un’intimità perduta

CONTRIBUTI / 11 / Valeria Biondi


The Sacred according to Georges Bataille. The Search for a Lost Intimity

This article wants to show how the sacred goes through the author’s philosophy, how the sacred is a kind of instrument that allow him to fight against religion. The operational dimension that Bataille gives to this concept makes it something needed in man’s life. The main text considered will be Theory of Religion: we will deduce from this one all of those concepts developed in the whole author’s production, trying to respect a chronological order, demonstrating how his own theory of religion will be then realized. We will discover that sacred is a favoured moment: sacred is a communion, a sharing instant in human being’s life. Starting from his instrumental vision of sacred, Bataille tries to get back in our memory, to find this lost sacred that connect ourselves with our most intimate life.


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