The Phenomenological Movement: Forerunners, Contemporaries, and Successors of Husserl’s Philosophy [Azimuth 15]

Azimuth 15/2019 | The Phenomenological Movement: Forerunners, Contemporaries, and Successors of Husserl’s Philosophy

Edited by Daniele Nuccilli, Ferdinand Fellmann

ISBN EBOOK: 978-88-5529-101-9
ISBN PAPER: 978-88-5529-100-2

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This volume of Azimuth is intended to explore different areas of knowledge that remain uncharted within the heritage of phenomenology lato sensu. It is therefore divided in three distinct sections: the first one considers all those authors that have nourished the ground on which Husserl’s phenomenology has arisen (Trendelenburg, Brentano, Lipps, Stumpf, Eucken, Sigwart); the second one focuses on the early disciples of Husserl, with special regard to those emerging from the circles of Munich and Gottingen (Schapp, Reinach, Geiger, Pfänder, Scheler, Ingarden, Conrad-Martius, Heidegger); the last one examines those scholars that moved towards or against Husserl’s late inquiries, and that can be considered the depositaries of the phenomenological legacy in the second half of the 20th century (Fink, Patočka, Landgrebe, Rombach, Blumenberg, Levinas). The volume also includes the Italian translation of Ricoeur’s essay on Husserl’s and Wittgenstein’s late notion of language, translated by A. Tsoullos and revised by J.-M. Tétaz.


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