Jean Baudrillard’s path of thought runs through several phenomena of the modern world (war, information, communication and media, the crisis of Marxism, terrorism, photography, architecture, cloning etc.) occupying a unique position in contemporary philosophical landscape. Most of his keywords, such as “hyper-reality” or “simulacrum” continue to proliferate in latest philosophical-cultural production. These terms have come to constitute a useful set of concept to grasp the contemporary culture in its complex structure.
Ten years after the death of Baudrillard, Lo Sguardo devotes to his thought a special issue, expected to be published in March 2017.
The editorial team invites scholars in the field of Baudrillard’s, media and philosophical studies to send their proposals of editing. Proposals can be submitted by a single editor or a by group of up to three editors.
The project can be divided into multiple sections, but it will take into account of two mandatory aspects:
1) the cultural environment in which Baudrillard’s thought arises, in particular the 70s and 80s post-phenomenology;
2) the legacy of Baudrilard in the current philosophical debate, so the contemporary relevance of his reflection on the concepts of real, hyperreal, symbolic, simulacrum.
Projects can be submitted no later than 20th February 2016, sending them to the address:
Proposals will contain:
– Names and CVs of the proposing editors
– An articulated project, possibly including an hypotetical list of invited authors, plus translations and interviews to complete the number.
Once received the projects, the editorial staff of Lo Sguardo, under the supervision of its Advisory Board, will choose the most winner project, communicating the results to all the participants. The decision will be final and it will be announced by March 15th, 2016.