
Topicality and History of a Theoretical Paradigm

edited by Emanuele Clarizio, Martino Feyles
N. 36 – 2023 (I) 

Contents in this issue

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SECTION I: Exteriorization and Life

- 36-01

SECTION II: Exteriorization and Anthropology

- 36-02

SECTION III: Exteriorization, Language, and Writing

- 36-03

Leroi-Gourhan: l’inorganico organizzato

TESTI / 1 / Bernard Stiegler / Leroi-Gourhan: the organized inorganic (Italian translation) Through a brief but clear synthesis of André Leroi-Gourhan’s fundamental thesis (universality of technical’s evolutive laws) and concepts (exteriorisation and technical memory), in this article Bernard Stiegler casts...

SECTION IV: Exteriorization, Extension, and Media

- 36-04









Reviews, discussions, and notes

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