CONTRIBUTI / 7 / Giacomo Gilmozzi /
Technology, pharmacology and neganthropology. Introductory notes on the thought of Bernard Stiegler
This article shows how the concepts of technical memory and ‘exteriorization’ contained in Bernard Stiegler’s Leroi-Gourhan: l’inorganique organisé (1998) are developed in the successive phases of his philosophical trajectory, offering an original point of view with respect to today’s technological, political, and ecological issues. The first section analyzes Stiegler’s techno-logical phase in which the philosopher grounds an understanding of technique beyond a merely instrumental conception. In dialogue with Derrida (Plato’s pharmacy, 1968), the second section further questions the concept of ‘exteriorization’ through the analysis of the pharmacological and organological relationship of the human-technics complex in the becoming hyper-industrial of contemporary societies. Finally, the neganthropological phase is presented in its theoretical highlights as well as its ecological–to be understood in the triple meaning given by Guattari: mental, social, and environmental (The Three Ecologies, 1989)–and political implications for the struggle against the loss of biological, noetic, and technological diversity caused by the universalization of the neoliberal extractivist development model in the Anthropocene era.
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