CONTRIBUTI / 1 / Elise Lamy-Rested /
An adventure of exteriorization. From general organology to the cosmology of technical life. A reading of Simondon
From a reading of Simondon, this article proposes to analyze the ‘paradigm’ (in a renewed sense) of externalization in the perspective of the ‘paradigm’ of general organology. It first shows how exteriorization becomes a simple operator of the paradigm of general organology that allows us to think of the production of technical objects as the effect of the projection and exteriorization of organs. This ‘paradigm’ of general organology is indeed based on a distinction between the organic and the inorganic. But, by a precise analysis of some quotations from Du mode d’existence des objets techniques, this article finally blurs this distinction by showing how Simondon’s thought remains complicated. Simondon finally proposes, without ever developing it, a cosmology of the technical life that forces to rethink the ‘paradigm’ of exteriorization.
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