CONTRIBUTI / 4 / Massimiliano Carli, Vittorio Lubrano /
Dialectics of the algorithm. For acritical theory
The article aims to analyze the logical process of the algorithm considered as a «cultural machine», according to Finn, instead of an automatic mechanism that arranges information. The translation’s operation of the world by the algorithm is based on the assumption that the device automatically reflects the ontological structure due to comprehending the universe, and, through its elaboration capacity, takes control over it. The article shows that this hypothetical duplication of the world is much more comprehensive: the different disposition, quantified by the machine that inductively detects the regularities of phenomena, immanently creates a ‘digital image’ of the world. This said, this algorithmic Simulation of reality is in itself the result of a new constellation of data that differs from a simple duplication of the world. The Simulation, as Baudrillard explained, is not immediately superimposable to the phenomenological image of Reality: the peculiar differential among them is the efficiency of the digital one – that corresponds to the reason why we’re using it. The mediation overturns the sense of the information: it is no longer valid for its quality, but is rather judged by its quantity and its capacity to be calculated. Thanks to the dialectic critics here implemented (Horkheimer, Adorno), it will be shown how the algorithm creates a surplus value that triggers a vicious circle where the translated quantification of information could create new information, ready to be exploited. The result of the operativity pretends to be decisional too: the «digital image» or Simulation is pre-posed to the analogical one. The «negation of the negation» being part of the critical method displayed, it confirms that the illusion given by the Simulation can drive us to believe that this one could foresee the future, when this prediction is in fact a remodulation of current data that project to a future already given.
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