Esperienza e verità. Note sullo statuto dell’ermeneutica

ARTICOLI / 10 / Fabiola Falappa / 

In this paper, the author intends to show how a philosophy mindful of hermeneutic richness never forgets that the truth goes beyond every thought, so much that it can’t be enclosed in any self-referential idea nor flatten by a false universality which considers its knowledge as the only authentic one thus trying to impose it as if it were the only one vision to adhere to. Differently from the logic-deductive and intellectualistic conception of truth which doesn’t see the complex relation that connect us in an essential manner to the reality and the experience of a living truth, two paradigmatic paths are analyzed with the aim of getting to the philosophical recognition of the living truth (Hegel and Heidegger) and of hermeneutics as answer to a freeing love (Gadamer and Zambrano). Finally, the consequences of such a perspective are highlighted: the reference to a pluralism of philosophies and of faiths as well as the possibility of combining the ethic and historic responsibility with the physiological pluralism of interpretations and cultures.

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