Estasi e «fame di essere». La risposta di Schelling al «colpo di pistola» di Hegel

ARTICOLI / 12 / Guido Cusinato /


Ecstasy and “Hunger for Being”. Schelling’s Response to Hegel’s “Shot from a Gun”

In this paper, I argue that the concept of ecstasy (Ekstase), which Schelling elaborates on starting from the Erlanger Vorträge, is his response to Hegel’s famous «shot from a pistol». With this concept, Schelling overcomes the notion of «intellectual intuition», which was at the core of Hegel’s critics, and can now conceive the preeminence of existence (in the sense of Freudigkeit der Existenz) over Being (Sein). Thus, the theory of ecstasy puts Schelling beyond German Idealism and, under some aspects, allows for a post-Heideggerian reading of his philosophy.


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