Logiche Relazioni. In dialogo con Massimo Mugnai

INTERVISTE / 1 / Lucia Oliveri, Osvaldo Ottaviani /


Logical relations. A dialogue with Massimo Mugnai

Massimo Mugnai has engaged both in editorial and theoretical work on Leibniz’s logic. His work has promoted a reconstruction- and comparison-based account of research, inspiring later generations of scholars. Mugnai’s approach intuits the theoretical relevance of editorial work and combines it in an original way with philosophical inquiry. Through this combination of theoretical, historical, and editorial rigour in analysing sources, he has gained international recognition. Massimo Mugnai is professor emeritus of history of logic at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. He is a member of the Leibniz-Gesellschaft in Hannover, and of the editorial scientific board both of Studia Leibnitiana and The Leibniz Review. Among his contributions, we mention just Leibniz e la logica simbolica (1973), Astrazione e realtà. Saggio su Leibniz (1976), Leibniz’s Theory of Relations (1992), Introduzione alla filosofia di Leibniz (2001). Together with Enrico Pasini, he edited the most extensive collection of Leibniz’s writings translated into Italian (Scritti filosofici, 3 vols., 2003). His editorial work extends at the international level with the recent edition of Dissertation on Combinatorial Art (2020, together with Han van Ruler and Martin Wilson) and General Inquiries on the Analysis of Notions and Truths (2021). Richard T. W. Arthur dedicated an extensive article discussing his research to him (Massimo Mugnai and the Study of Leibniz, «The Leibniz Review», 23, 2013).


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