Mondialisation et communautés historiques. Une dialectique de l’universel et de l’historique

ARTICOLI / 9 / Jean-Philippe Pierron / 

In this article, we assume that the theme ‘hermeneutics and interculturalités’ is made explicit in the new contemporary imperative ‘think global, act local’. The challenge for personal and collective identities is to learn to understand with regard to nature. Different cultures struggling with the ecological crisis introduce and mobilize difficult relations, but also invent singular answers. These relationships internally imply a process of revision of the conditions for dialogue and external challenges to domination of one culture over others. Talking about difficult relationship, it is observed that the ‘think global act local’, there may be a desire to pose as a dilemma which is a dialectical relationship.The dilemma could be formulated as follows. Either one favors the urgent global problems, and calling for a full and comprehensive state that would impose homogeneous and uniform measures into different cultures for accidents of history that have nothing to teach us the meaning of this what inhabit the Earth. Either one, that only raises crops insured their farms identities are able to respond to global challenges so that they could only organize themselves, not addressing the structural issue of coordination than a technical problem. But next to this dilemma, there-has he not a dialectic that reform within international institutions for cultures to express their uniqueness and strength of their exception and an external challenge that requirement careful not to lock up the dialogue between cultures as a dominion of a new type, a neo imaginary. Here, the paradigm of translation would enter to accompany and to live interculturalism. Neither transfuse (environmental ethics Orphic model) or transfer (one-dimensional model technocratic), translated. Translate experienced the irreducible difference of environments and share therefore looking not the same but good equivalence between the singular irreplaceable of a starter culture and the singular irreplaceable of target culture.

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