Oltre l’algoritmo. Questioni etiche e trasformazioni antropologiche

CONTRIBUTI / 6 / Filippo Pianca /


Beyond the algorithm. Ethical issues and anthropological transformations 

By adopting a descriptive-reconstructive and linguistic-theoretical approach, the widespread link between algorithms and ethics will initially be highlighted. Recalling the meaning of the term algorithm, it will be argued that this connection with ethics is both insufficient and doubtful. While considering what else can be made ‘ethical’ in the IT process, the meaning of ethics within the operational-functional perspective will be analysed, re-constructing the debate on ‘artificial morality’. Finally, leaving aside applicative suggestions, a radical ethical-anthropological perspective will be gained: the cultural and anthropological motivations of ‘artificial morality’ will be traced, considering their upshot on human self-understanding and moral status. 



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