DISCUSSIONI / Stefano Piazzese /
Schelling and Pareyson: on the philosophical relevance of Christianity as tragic thought. A commentary on F. Tomatis, Il Dio vivente. Libertà, male, Trinità in Schelling e Pareyson, Morcelliana 2022
The purpose of this discussion is to highlight one aspect of Tomatis’ work Il Dio vivente. Libertà, male, Trinità in Schelling e Pareyson, or rather the relevance of Christianity for philosophy understood as tragic thought. To do this we will try to follow the stages of the study path traced by the author where emerge the relationship between Christian revelation and philosophy and the terms of this problematic relationship. Schelling and Pareyson did found in the Christian revelation a theoretically fertile ground, in order to answer some fundamental questions of existence and to build their own systems of thought.
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