CONTRIBUTI / 4 / Alison Smith /
For a long while the vocabulary of ‘Pasolini corsaro’ has been part of contemporary political debate, but often in the service of a deeply pessimistic reading of the possibilities of progressive politics. Within the last decade however, a current of more varied references to Pasolini has also appeared. A turning-point was the publication in France in 2009 of Georges Didi-Huberman’s essay Survivance des lucioles. A particular characteristic of this turn to Pasolini is that it looks beyond the polemical journalism of the 1970s to find contemporary resonance in earlier texts.
This essay will concentrate on two texts by Didi-Huberman and on the further elaboration of the concept of ‘firefly-resistance’ to be found in Howard Caygill’s On Resistance (2013). Caygill’s analysis of resistance movements will also serve to indicate other Pasolinian themes which are detectable in contemporary or near contemporary debate, and in light of these we will compare Didi-Huberman’s conclusions with other revisitations of Pasolini in search of a new class-politics, particularly the radical re-reading of Accattone offered by Fabio Vighi in 2003. In examining these texts we hope to show how the political Pasolini can be revitalised by tempering the dark prophecies of the Corsaro texts with some glimmers of surviving light from earlier battles.