DISCUSSIONI / Leonardo Lenner/
Transparencies and Opacities of Signs in 18th-century German Aesthetics
Following the historical reconstruction outlined by A. Nannini in his recent volume, Il segno e l’immagine, we can identify the concepts of transparency and opacity as the two central poles around which the interplay of semiotics and aesthetics evolved in 18th century German philosophy. Indeed, the debate on the naturalness and artificiality of linguistic signs, which engaged thinkers like Wolff, Baumgarten and Meier, also extended into efforts to classify the arts, pursued by figures such as Mendelssohn and Lessing. Once it was observed that verbal signs possess a specific form of naturalness, distinct from that of pictorial signs, the mimetic function was no longer seen as purely descriptive but rather as expressive. This outcome challenges the notion that the purpose of artistic images is transparency, traditionally understood as an open window, a clear and faithful depiction of reality. Instead, transparency is reinterpreted as the product of those opacities that imbue artistic forms with expression and vitality.
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