ARTICOLI / 3 / Bruno Bachimont /
Alterities of the mind. The dynamics of exteriorization
If there is one object where the dynamics of exteriorization and interiorization are clearly present and deeply intertwined, it’s that of the document or, more generally, content. In its material nature, such an object opposes a persistent objectivity that allows for an ever-renewed appropriation, updating the meaning associated with this materiality through the reader’s interpretation. But beyond this opposition between the fixity of the material record and the permanent reinvention of meaning, digital techniques remind us that material permanence is itself a reconstruction, a constantly renewed invention. Using a vocabulary borrowed from Jacques Derrida, we propose to articulate a différance specific to objectification, where the identity of material content is referred to the contingency and singularity of the technical conditions of its production, and a différance specific to appropriation, where the unlimited semiosis of interpretation refers the understanding and production of meaning to infinity. Far from being a failure or a loss of meaning, these différances condition each other and enable us to understand the functioning of the mind as a dynamic operating between several different referents, between several exteriorities that remain to be constructed and discovered.
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