ARTICOLI / 1 / Alejandro del Río Herrmann
Roots, decreation and incarnation in Simone Weil
The last Simone Weil (1909-1943) tries to think a form of political coexistence, which, paradoxically, consists in being rooted in the homeland of this world as being in exile. In the midst of her activity in London as a member of France Libre, after her hopes of being sent on a dangerous mission on French soil have been dashed, the aim of Simone Weil is to found political life by means of an inspiration not subjected to ‘force’, as is the case with the Modern State. Her vision of collectivity can be understood as a triple articulation of enracinement and décreation: an horizontal axis, consisting of the poles of individual and collectivity; a vertical axis, the hiatus between that which is «beyond this world» and that which is «here below», and finally, a temporal axis, composed of «treasures of the past» and «premonitions of the future». This articulate (political) being-in-the-world may be called ‘incarnature’.