Comprendere l’eredità ecologica attraverso l’esteriorizzazione della traccia. Derrida al crocevia con le scienze della vita contemporanee

CONTRIBUTI / 3 / Serena Procopio /


Understanding ecological legacy through the exteriorization of the trace. Derrida at the crossroads with contemporary life sciences

The paper aims to retrieve the Derridean’s concept of exteriorization in some biological theories of Extended Synthesis. Notably, it introduces some of the most debated terms within the Neo-Darwinist view in order to highlight how the metaphysical opposition between inside and outside acts as ratio within the life science as well. Firstly, the genetic dimension is seen as a self-sufficient totality closed to external influences; furthermore, as for evolution, the environment is considered as a universal space that adapts all organisms to itself, remaining unchanged. The paper tries to outline to how the Derridean’s theme of exteriorization is applicable to all organisms and plays a role in the concept of ecological inheritance of Niche construction theory (NCT). According to this view, all organisms extend into the environment, modify it, and this alters the selective pressures that retroact on all other living beings.


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