ARTICOLI / 4 / Martino Feyles /
Exteriorization, expression, writing. Reading Husserl with Derrida
In this article, the author addresses the issue of exteriorization from a phenomenological perspective, considering the works of Husserl and Derrida. The concept of exteriorization is not important within the phenomenological tradition as has within the philosophy of technology. However, one of the crucial problems highlighted by Derrida’s critique of Husserl is the problem of expression, which is undoubtedly closely linked to the problem of exteriorization. Husserl recognizes the need to distinguish between two different kinds of signifiers, namely, expressions and indications. The essay aims to analyse the theoretical legitimacy of this distinction. Behind this issue lies another problem, namely, understanding the relationship between language and technology. If it is true that exteriorization is one of the essential characteristics, of technology, analysing the distinction between indications and expressions means questioning the connection between technology and language.
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