CONTRIBUTI / 6 / Mathias Gérard /
Exteriorization and projection. Elements for a metapsychological approach
This article is seeking to articulate the question of exteriorization as exposed in the philosophy of technics with some psychoanalytical concepts. More specifically, starting with what Freud mentions about the origin of technics on the one hand, and the technical devices used to describe what he calls the «psychical apparatus» on the other hand, the paper shows that this is to be articulated within an organological approach, such as elaborated by Bernard Stiegler. But this organology, which is a relationship between «internal» and «external», could be itself analysed within the perspective coined by Freud as «metapsychological», meaning the way to describe psychical processes in their topical, dynamical, and economical dimensions. This analysis is therefore trying to bring a new light on exteriorization as being altogether biological, organic, psychic, and, obviously, technical.
Les textes de Freud sont cités d’après l’édition française des œuvres complètes [OCF-P], 21 volumes, Paris, 1989-2019. Le texte allemand est donné d’après les Gesammelte Werke (GW), 17 Bände, Frankfurt-am-Main.
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