La dialectique de Denis Diderot. Entre la pensée du mouvement et le mouvement de la pensée

CONTRIBUTI / 5 / Soumia Sadiki /


The Dialectics of Denis Diderot: Between the Thought of Movement and the Movement of Thought 

Denis Diderot, an Enlightenment philosopher, integrates dialectics into his writings, prominently displayed in Rameau’s Nephew. Drawing inspiration from ancient luminaries like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Diderot masterfully crafts a satirical dialogue between «Me-philosopher» and «Him-Nephew», artfully exploring themes of morals and contentious subjects. Initially obscured for its unconventional nature, Diderot’s work serves as a bridge connecting ancient dialogic philosophy with modern dialectics, stimulating intellectual confrontations. Dialectical reasoning, embodied by Nephew’s cynicism, courageously challenges established beliefs, stretching the limits of philosophical inquiry. Diderot’s characters prod readers to question accepted ideas, provoking a deeper understanding of knowledge’s essence. His lasting influence on modern philosophy and critical thought transcends time and context. By encouraging readers to seek truth beyond societal biases, Diderot illuminates the unblemished reality of pure perception. Through poetics of argumentation, with digressions and pantomimes artfully entwined, truth emerges from beneath bombast, revealing the captivating beauty of unfiltered reality.



Sources primaires

  • Diderot, D. 2002 Le Neveu de Rameau ou Satire seconde, Librairie Générale Française, Les Classiques de Poche.

Littérature secondaire

  • Aristote, 2007. Rhétorique, trad. P. Chirion, Paris, Flammarion.
  • Aristote, 2014. Réfutations sophistiques, trad. P. Pellegrin, in Œuvres complètes, Paris, Flammarion.
  • Bergson, H. 1938. La pensée et le mouvant, Paris PUF.
  • Burnyeat, M. 2001. Introduction au Théétète de Platon, in. L’antiquité classique, Paris, PUF.
  • Diderot, D. 1921. Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville, ou Dialogue entre A et B sur l’inconvénient d’attacher des idées morales à certaines actions physiques qui n’en comportent pas, Paris, Gallimard.
  • Diderot, D. 1970. Jacque le fataliste et son maître, Paris, Garni Flammarion. 
  • Hegel, G. W. F. 1993. Phénoménologie de l’esprit, trad. P-J. Labarrière, Paris, Gallimard.
  • Lefebvre, H. 1940. Le Matérialisme dialectique, Paris, Presse universitaire de France.
  • Littré, E. 1873-1874. Dictionnaire de la langue française, Paris, Hachette.
  • Marx, K. Engels, F. 1984. Correspondance, Volume X, Paris, Editions sociales.
  • Montaigne, M. 2001, Essais III, Paris, PUF.
  • Mortier, R. 1954. La Tradition manuscrite du Neveu de Rameau, «Revue belge de philosophie et d’histoire», Genève, Librairie Droz
  • Platon, 1991. Ménon, trad. M. Canto-Sperber, Paris, Flammarion.
  • Platon, 1997. Lachès-Euthyphron, intro. trad. L.-A. Dorion, Paris, GF-Flammarion.
  • Platon, 2008. Apologie de Socrate, trad. L. Brisson in Œuvre complètes, Paris, Flammarion.
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