L’actualité de la compréhension interculturelle. Le confucianisme de Boston

ARTICOLI / 18 / Jean-Claude Gens / 

The aim of this paper is to present the so-called Boston Confucianism as a precious contribution to respond to the challenge of our century, because the task of hermeneutics has nowadays to become intercultural. If we assume that the ecological problems represent the new challenge of our time, problems that cannot be solved only by new technics, and that these problems are not only local but global, our age of globalization implies for each culture to understand the worldviews of other cultures because each of them means also a different way of life, i.e. they contribute to determine the kind of relation we have toward nature. The attempt to understand the Confucian worldview, especially about the relation between man and nature, aims to think in the space opened by the dialog between Confucianism and Western philosophy.

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