ARTICOLI / 1 / Giso Amendola /
In Lenin’s idea of Revolution, the concept of historical contingency is central. The revolutionary is who knows how to grasp the right time. But the ability to act on time is always in relation to the development of the productive forces and to the transformations of the subjects, as well as interpreted the Italian workerism (operaismo). At the opposite side, in some readings, as in the one inspired by the Lacanianan psychoanalysis offered by S. Žižek, the contingency of revolutionary action turns into a decision based solely on itself, open not to the concreteness of class relationships and transformations of subjectivity but to a transcendent Truth. So Lenin’s thought is likely to be transformed into a thought of the ‘autonomy of politics’. Instead, it would be more urgent to come back to thinking about the original way in which social self-organization (the Soviets) and political decision-making are articulated in Lenin.