CONTRIBUTI / 2 / Marco Pavanini /
The essay Das Anthropozän develops Sloterdijk’s reflections on the issue of the Anthropocene. Nowadays human’s action influences the processes of the biosphere, which at the same time allows human life on Earth. The current ecological crisis, triggered by the exploitation of natural resources, makes humans responsible of the management of whole planet’s conditions of existence. Living in the Anthropocene means intentionally assuming this responsibility and actively work to open perspectives of surviving for both human and non-human agents. Sloterdijk suggests to accomplish this goal with two different procedures. On one side, humans should adopt homeotechnical practices, in order not to harass nature, but to cooperate with it and to continue biological processes with technological means. On the other, mankind should work in order to convert its immune systems in the direction of co-immunity. This means creating a meta-collective, within which are produced bio-positive dynamics, without transferring bio-negative dynamics to the other collectives.