ARTICOLI / Alessandro Tomaselli
Preexisting Potentiality: the Late Schelling Between God and Nature
This contribution aims to provide an overview of the main interpretations of F. W. J. Schelling’s late philosophy, emphasizing the aspects that have always been at the center of the debate, such as the complex relationship between Spätphilosophie and the logos of the Old and New Testament. Some space is also dedicated to Xavier Tilliette, who contributed decisively to make the complex schellinghian thought accessible to scholars of all ages, as well as to Francesco Moiso, an authentic Gelehrter who had the ability to make Naturphilosophie understandable. The essay ends with a detailed analysis of the course of lessons held by Moiso during the second semester of the 1999/2000 academic year at the University “Statale” of Milan, which traces the Schelling’s philosophy of mythology in its entirety.