Tag Archives: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Leibniz a Ventotene

CONTRIBUTI / 8 / Fabio Corigliano / Leibniz in Ventotene In this paper, I propose a reading of the Ventotene Manifesto by taking into account the influence of Leibniz’s doctrine of sovereignty on...

Logiche Relazioni. In dialogo con Massimo Mugnai

INTERVISTE / 1 / Lucia Oliveri, Osvaldo Ottaviani / Logical relations. A dialogue with Massimo Mugnai Massimo Mugnai has engaged both in editorial and theoretical work on Leibniz’s logic. His work has promoted a...

Leibniz and Modern Physics

ARTICOLI / 2 / Jürgen Jost / We systematically analyze the conceptual structure of modern physics, i.e., the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, from the perspective of Leibniz’s...