Entre traditions: compréhension et altérité
ARTICOLI / 13 / Csaba Olay / In this paper I try to explore the nature of intercultural understanding with the help of a clarification of the basic presuppositions of understanding in general....
ARTICOLI / 13 / Csaba Olay / In this paper I try to explore the nature of intercultural understanding with the help of a clarification of the basic presuppositions of understanding in general....
ARTICOLI / 14 / Lazare Benaroyo / In this article I look at the significance of Emmanuel Levinas’ thought for an ethics of care. I argue that the meaning Levinas gives to the...
ARTICOLI / 15 / Massimo Mezzanzanica / This article analyses some relationships between intercultural hermeneutics and anthropology, stressing in particular the role played by symbolic dimension in understanding culture (as showed in different...
ARTICOLI / 16 / Michel Dupuis / The deep interest of German and French Aufklärung philosophers is well known. In particular, Malebranche, the Catholic, and Leibniz, the Protestant, manifested their intellectual curiosity in...
ARTICOLI / 17 / Filippo Mignini / This paper aims to show that the goals and the failures of the Catholic mission in China between the 1579 and the 1742 depended from the...