Di quale esperienza l’Idea di comunismo è il nome?
CONTRIBUTI / 11 / Roberto Bravi e Giovanni Campailla / The term communism appeared to be discredited. However, for more than a decade now, it has surprisingly come back. This is detectable, in...
CONTRIBUTI / 11 / Roberto Bravi e Giovanni Campailla / The term communism appeared to be discredited. However, for more than a decade now, it has surprisingly come back. This is detectable, in...
RECENSIONI / Libera Pisano / As an author of fiction and leftist activist, China Miéville in his last volume is able to offer a brilliant retelling of the Russian Revolution. The author starts...
DISCUSSIONI / Guido Bartolucci / Non sempre gli anniversari sono occasioni per pubblicare e recensire nuovi libri, sono anche momenti utili per riscoprire vecchi autori e testi. È il caso di Lincoln Steffens...
ARTICOLI / 3 / Augusto Illuminati / Martov, the Menshevik, was defeated in October 1917 by Lenin and Trotsky, but some of his acute analysis of the transformations made by the World War...
TESTI / 2 / Luciana Castellina / Luciana Castellina celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the Russian Revolution as the first real massive movement committed to removing the status quo, in accordance with the...