Technologies d’organes et extension theories: étude croisée

ARTICOLI / 1 / Xavier Guchet /


Organ technologies and extension theories: a cross-over study

When one delves into the anthropological theories of technology as an ‘extension’ of the body – known as ‘extension theories’– there’s a glaring omission of any discussion on organ technologies. This exclusion might lead one to deduce that these technologies don’t necessarily contribute to the anthropological discourse on technology. Contrarily, this article asserts that organ technologies offer a fresh lens to view extension theories and hold significant value for the anthropological philosophy of technology. Drawing inspiration from Heidegger and Agamben, it is highlighted that ‘organon’ initially pertained to two kinds of tools: instruments of production (poiesis) and instruments of use (chresis). By bridging these dual interpretations of ‘organon’, we can the importance of organ technologies in the broader anthropological philosophy of technology. Conclusively, the article offers a renewed perspective on extension theories, probing a profound underlying question: what defines a ‘good’ organon, not just as instrument of production but more importantly, as an instrument of use?


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