The Salon Metaphysics. Diderot and the Triad of Truth

CONTRIBUTI / 7 / Rahel Aerin Eslas /


This paper focuses on the art criticism of Denis Diderot and proposes that in his Salon writings there is a consistent search for truth (la vérité) in painting. This specific notion of truth can be dissected and understood by the proposed triad, which is a hierarchical system of three seemingly necessary conditions for Diderot to recognise la vérité in a painting: the truthful imitation of nature, the coherence and logic of the painting and an emotion-provoking effect. This triad was one of the ways Diderot functioned as a parrhesiastes in the Enlightenment art world, navigating between different expressions of truth, changing and creating the narratives around them. This paper aims to unfold the proposed triad, illustrating it  with examples from the Salon of 1765.



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