Das Wunder oder «Ueber die Macht des Gebetes». Überlegungen zu einem unwägbaren Phänomen

ARTICOLI / Vicki Müller-Lüneschloß 


The Miracle or On The Power of Prayer. Reflections on an Imponderable Phenomenon

The essay deals with the phenomenon of «miracles» and traces its genuinely Christian origin until modern times, in order to finally ask, whether the belief in miracles in postmodernity is still up to date? At the center of the argumentation is Schelling‘s thought, who makes use of this term as well as in his early transcendental and identity philosophy writings as in his later religious philosophy from the perspective of religion, anthropology and art. That is why the notion of «genius» is related close to that of «miracle». The thesis of the break with the laws of nature is abandoned in favor of a new view on man, who finds himself beyond the opposition of nature and spirit in a complex network of ’forces’, whose relations and interactions with the words of antiquity can be called «cosmic sympathy».


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