Visione ed enstasi nel Sufismo

ARTICOLI / 3 / Francesco Alfonso Leccese /


Vision and enstasis in Sufism

Sufism is the esoteric current of Islam that aims to perfect the individual via the process of ‘becoming a ‘Sufi’. This is the meaning of the original Arabic word tasawwuf, which we translate as Sufism. The actual and proper Sufi is the one who walks the spiritual path (sulūk) witnessing the esoteric meaning of the concept of the oneness of God (tawhīd). In this path, the spiritual asceticism of the Sufi saint recalls the visionary experience and mi’rāj of the Prophet Muhammad, defined by Sufism as al-insān al-kāmil (perfect man), i.e. a synthesis between the totality of humankind and the divine, as well as an unattainable model of spiritual perfection.


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