ARTICOLI / 5 / Fabrizio Vona /
Diderot’s Theatrical Reform and Its Connections with Stanislavskij
Within the history of theater, the 18th century marked some decisive milestones, not only with regard to the theoretical aspect, but also and especially under the aspect of dramaturgy and acting practice. Indeed, it was in the second half of the century that the foundations were laid for the great theatrical revolution that was to develop in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. One of the protagonists of this season was undoubtedly Denis Diderot who was among the first to elaborate some decisive instances of reform that would come to full maturity more than a century later. Too many times, however, not only has there been a desire to see a kind of inconsistency among his writings on the theater but, starting with one of his most famous works, the Paradoxe sur le comédien, too much emphasis has been placed on the possible connection between his theatrical vision and that of Bertolt Brecht. In the writer’s opinion, however, Diderot’s writings on theater, when read through an overview, not only retain their own internal coherence, but also offer us the possibility of grasping a surprising connection with some of the theories that K. Stanislavski would bring together in his famous «system».
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