CONTRIBUTI / 3 / François Levin /
Producing the unknown. Artificial intelligence in the light of the ambivalences of Leibnizian rationalism
This article is born from an astonishment: that aroused by the reading of Leibniz. It was expected to find traces of an absolute rationalism, oriented towards the reduction of everything to the known as well as towards the increase of control of the world by the knowing subject. On the contrary, we discover deep ambivalences, especially in his major project of constituting an art of invention (ars inveniendi): it is a profoundly baroque logical project, oriented by the desire to produce novelty and which leads to a form of dispossession of the subject. We can produce, from this astonishment, another genealogy of artificial intelligence, which allows us to understand its current creative developments. It also helps us to grasp how it is characteristic of an unconscious form of metaphysics of the modern era, which places its search for otherness inside machines.
Sources primaires
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Sources secondaires
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