Editorial coordinator
Researcher at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche’s Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (CNR-ILIESI). He was (2019-2020) a permanent Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Coimbra’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities and a Full Member at the same University’s Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos, where he has been as an FCT Post-Doc Research Fellow (2017-2019). He received his PhD in Philosophy from SAPIENZA University of Rome in 2013. His research deals with the History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, and especially with the genesis of the Cartesian mind-body dualism, with the Iberian Late Aristotelianism as well as with Bergson’s thought. He is the founder and the managing editor of Lo Sguardo and he contributes to several other academic journals and collective volumes. He is the managing editor of the Conimbricenses (1542-1772) project, the first online Encyclopedia of Portuguese Aristotelianism. Among his publications are L’angelo e la macchina. Sulla genesi della res cogitans cartesiana, (FrancoAngeli, Milan 2018), H. Bergson, Lezioni di metafisica, (Mimesis, Milan 2018, translation) and H. Bergson, Storia dell’idea di tempo (Mimesis, Milan 2019, translation). In 2018 he received the Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as an Associate Professor of History of Philosophy. In 2020 he received the Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as a Full Professor of History of Philosophy.
Press, Reviews and Publishers
He is Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Institut for Cultural Theory and History of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and obtained the Italian National Qualification as Associate Professor in Theoretical Philosophy (2020) and History of Philosophy (2021). Previously, after obtaining his Ph.D. in Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Trieste, he taught at the Freie Universität and Humboldt Universität in Berlin, Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen, Dresden International University, and NABA in Milan. He has been a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the IFK in Vienna, the FIPH in Hannover, the Exzellenzcluster TOPOI in Berlin, the IISF in Naples, and a guest lecturer at the Universities of Turin and Chieti. Among his most recent publications: La stella ascetica. Ascesi e soggettivazione in Friedrich Nietzsche (Rome 2020); Askese als Beruf. Die sonderbare Kulturgeschichte der Schmuckeremiten (Vienna 2019); True Detective. Una filosofia del negativo (Genua 2019); Umano Post Umano (Rome 2016); Un’acrobatica del pensiero. La filosofia dell’esercizio di Peter Sloterdijk (Rome 2014)
Lecturer in Contemporary Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Society at the Complutense University of Madrid. Previously, she was ‘Juan de la Cierva’ Postdoctoral Fellow at the Complutense University of Madrid and DAAD Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Philosophy at Bonn University. She received her PhD in Humanities from the University Carlos III of Madrid (2016) with a dissertation entitled La caverna della modernità. Filosofia e politica nel Platone di Leo Strauss (Outstanding Thesis Award for Humanities UC3M). Her research focuses on the problem of power in twentieth-century thought, with special attention to the work of women philosophers. She is the author of several essays on Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, and Leo Strauss, on the contemporary reception of classical political thought, and on the theological-political problem.
She works as a Senior Researcher (RtdA) in Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Florence, and is a Visiting Fellow (2020-2022) at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin. In 2017 she obtained the Italian National Qualification as Associate Professor. Her research fields include Phenomenology and Post-phenomenology, the Philosophy of Technology, Digital Studies, and the Theory of Knowledge. In 2013 she received her Ph.D. from the University “Sapienza” of Rome with a dissertation focused on the pre-categorial thinking in Husserl’s early works. Her previous scientific experience includes research activities at the Technical University of Dresden, at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici of Naples (2012-2013), at the Freie Universität Berlin (2014-2017), and at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici of Naples (2017). She is the Editor in Chief of the journal “Azimuth”, the co-director of the book series “Umweg” (Inschibboleth edizioni), and collaborates as a translator from German for many Italian publishers.
Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. His work deals with Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Language and Hermeneutics. His doctoral research was addressed especially to the relationship between language and temporality in Nietzsche.
PhD in Philosophy, he teaches “Ethics and Law of Data Protection” and “Ethics and philosophy of the person” at the University of Verona. He is a teacher in upper secondary schools in Bologna. He got the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy, Theoretical Philosophy and Aesthetics and Philosophy of Languages. Member of the Research Centers: “Officine Filosofiche” (University of Bologna), “Tiresia. Philosophy and Psychoanalysis” (University of Verona) and “ETHOS. Ethics and Technology of the Self” (University of Verona), of which he is also the rule of Coordinator of scientific events. He is an editor of the journals Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates, Lo Sguardo and Kaiak. A Philosophical Journey, for whose editions he co-directs the book series Estetica e Teoria delle Arti and the series Scritture. His research, starting from an interest in Nietzsche and contemporary philosophy (he edited the Italian edition of works by Nancy, Derrida, Stiegler and Žižek) focuses on the themes of corporeality and the intertwining of philosophy, writing, technique and body (essays on Camus, Bernhard, Derrida, Gadda, Gargani, Morselli, Nancy, Nietzsche, Sennett, Žižek). Hence, within a critical analysis of the different expressive forms of the “philosophical”, he dealt with autobiography and the nature of the relationship between the philosopher and media devices. He is currently developing research on the subject of automation and automation. Among his books: Filosofia dell’automatismo. Verso un’etica della corporeità (Orthotes, 2018), Il pensiero e il suo schermo. Morfologie filosofiche fra cinema e nuovi media (KE, 2013, curatela), Slavoj Žižek (Orthotes, 2014), Scrittura e filosofia. Jacques Derrida interprete di Nietzsche (Aracne, 2014), La scrittura dell’autos. Derrida e l’autobiografia (Galaad, 2015), Il filosofo e il suo schermo. Video-interviste confessioni monologhi (KE, 2016, curatela)
She is currently a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She received her PhD in Theoretical Philosophy from La Sapienza (Rome) in 2014 with a dissertation entitled Lo spirito manifesto. Percorsi linguistici nella filosofia hegeliana (ETS 2016). She was a research associate at the Exzellenzcluster Understanding Written Artefacts (University of Hamburg) and at the Dispes at the University of Calabria. She was a research fellow at the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies and at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She is the author of several essays on the role of language in Hegel’s writings, Giambattista Vico, on contemporary German Jewish philosophy and on the concept of diaspora.
He is an Associate Researcher at the IZEW, the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities at the University of Tübingen. He has been an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the Catholic University of Lille. His research focuses on the Philosophy of Technology, Digital Media Studies, and Philosophical Hermeneutics. His latest book is titled Digital Hermeneutics (Routledge 2020).