Trajectories of a Multifaceted Mind

Leibniz and his Post-Idealist Legacy

edited by Lucia Oliveri, Osvaldo Ottaviani
N. 32 – 2021 (I)

In questo numero

- 00

SEZIONE I: Il riflesso di Leibniz

- 01

SEZIONE II: Leibniz a confronto

- 02

Leibniz and Modern Physics

ARTICOLI / 2 / Jürgen Jost / We systematically analyze the conceptual structure of modern physics, i.e., the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, from the perspective of Leibniz’s three basic principles of identity, sufficient reason and...

SEZIONE III: Sviluppo di concetti leibniziani

- 03

Why Deleuze is a Leibnizian

CONTRIBUTI / 5 / Harrie Manders / Are the main topics in the works of Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) significantly influenced by his study of the philosophy of Leibniz (1646-1716)? I shall approach this question by looking at some central concepts in...

Leibniz a Ventotene

CONTRIBUTI / 8 / Fabio Corigliano / Leibniz in Ventotene In this paper, I propose a reading of the Ventotene Manifesto by taking into account the influence of Leibniz’s doctrine of sovereignty on Eugenio Colorni, by giving special attention to the...









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