ARTICOLI / 4 / Rex Butler / We could not perhaps imagine a less likely pairing than the radical “post-modernist” Jean Baudrillard and the well-known modernist art historian Michael Fried. Baudrillard is anti-aesthetic, while Fried...
ARTICOLI / 5 / Enrico Schirò / Jean Baudrillard has been mainly considered the theorist of the disappearance of reality: simulation, hyperreality, virtual. On the other hand, a speculative reading of Baudrillard’s work – namely...
CONTRIBUTI / 2 / Marina Christodoulou / The concept or the theory of Death in the thought of Jean Baudrillard is not given the particular attention it needs. When one speaks of the thought of...
ARTICOLI / 6 / Vincenzo Cuomo / Until in the last writings, Baudrillard oscillates between two different theoretical strategies: that of the symbolic violence, on one side, and that of the radical illusion, on the...
ARTICOLI / 7 / Daniela Angelucci / In the Western thought the aesthetic experience is mostly explained as an encounter between subject and object where the latter holds the role of stimulus, occasion, and the...
INTERVISTE / 2 / Enrico Schirò e Francesco Proto / In this interview Francesco Proto, an architect, theorist and renown Baudrillard’ scholar, retraces the deep and underestimate relationship between Baudrillard’s theory of simulacra and simulation...
ARTICOLI / 8 / Felice Cimatti / In the Seminar XI. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (1964), Jacques Lacan switched from the previous exclusive attention to language toward a ‘philosophy’ more and more centered...
ARTICOLI / 9 / Eleonora de Conciliis / This essay tries to comprehend the deep reasons of the attack Jean Baudrillard stroke against Michel Foucault in the well known 1977 pamphlet, Oublier Foucault, forty years...
ARTICOLI / 10 / Guido Baggio / Lyotard’s and Baudrillard’s intellectual path moves from the attempt to deconstruct the representational forms of structuralism and to criticize the various politically or culturally institutionalized versions of Marxism....
ARTICOLI / 11 / Francesco Restuccia / During their philosophical careers, both Vilém Flusser and Jean Baudrillard have developed a unique and quite singular perspective about the broader impact of technology and media on humans,...
ARTICOLI / 12 / René Capovin / They are against multiculturalism, human rights, and feminism. They are charged with apocalyptic attitude. They wrote about the map-territory relation, cloning, orgy, and death. In fact, even if...
ARTICOLI / 13 / Gary Genosko / Readers of Baudrillard know that he thought about competition in sport and games in terms of failure and frailty. In For a Critique of the Political Economy of...
ARTICOLI / 14 / Emiliano Ilardi / Nearly 250 years have passed since the birth of the United States but for us, the old Europeans, it continues to be, in many ways, a mysterious and...
ARTICOLI / 15 / Ian Buchanan / As Baudrillard’s essay on the hypermarket makes clear, the mall is the true face of Baudrillard’s concept of hyperreality. It is not merely the simulation of reality; it...
CONTRIBUTI / 3 / Massimo Canepa / «A head! Just a head! That’s not much» – exclaimed Mrs. De Lespinasse in D’Alembert’s dream. Is it still like this? Is for this reason that the capture...
ARTICOLI / 16 / Mike Gane / Baudrillard began a final book project in 2004, three years before his death in 2007. Some of the projected chapters were presented at various conferences before his health...
APPENDICI / 1 / Marine Dupuis Baudrillard / Questo breve scritto, che viene qui tradotto per gentile concessione dell’Autrice, è apparso in originale nel Cahier de L’Herne n. 84 dedicato a Jean Baudrillard, pubblicato nel...
APPENDICI / 2 / Tommaso Fagioli e Eleonora de Conciliis / FAGIOLI – Baudrillard è nato nella città di Reims, nel nord-est della Francia, sede di una delle più famose cattedrali della cristianità. I suoi...
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