Una ricerca in divenire 

Nuove prospettive su Schelling

a cura di Simone Tarli, Federica Pitillo, Matteo V. D’Alfonso
N. 30 – 2020 (I)

In questo numero

- 30-Editoriale


- 30-01

SEZIONE II: Dialoghi

- 30-02

Schelling, Hegel, Marx

TESTI / Manfred Frank Paulus’ printed annotations from the course which Schelling gave during the winter-term of 1841/42 at Berlin university were, besides the Preface to Cousin (and other students’ copies of Schelling’s earlier lecture-courses which uncontrollably circulated all over...

SEZIONE III: Intersezioni

- 30-03

La Filosofia della Mitologia di Schelling alla prova dei concetti di ‘realismo’, ‘emergenza’ e ‘documentalità’

ARTICOLI / Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology. In Light of the Concepts of ‘Realism’, ‘Emergence’, and ‘Documentality’ With reference to Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology (PoM) in my paper, I will address three points, namely: To what extent Schelling’s PoM provides us with...

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